Please drink responsibly

Sobieski: What has Poland given to the world?
February 1, 2021
Music Jam: A club like no other
February 1, 2021
  • TaskDeveloping e-shop and social media presence for all brands in the company's vast portfolio

Spirits brands advertising - the most exciting and diverse of genres

For some reason the Gods of advertising were always generous to us - that's why we have a long, colourful and exciting history of successful adverting if global spirits brands. Whisky, vodka, bourbon, gin, rum, liqueurs, cocktails... We've done it all - from print, video and web to OOH, promotions, samplings, BTL. Or, as legendary Ozzy Osbourne used to say: "Just say its name and I'll drink it!“

We claim that we know how to immerse into the brand's specifics, how to skew global image (and restrictions) through the prism of local market/target таргет and we never fail to discover fresh inspiration for the next project. For example - our current partnership with Maxxium, one of the leading importers and distributors of premium spirit brands in our country.

We just love to advertise (quality) liquor.

No need to emphasize that we always have responsible approach to the volume and quantity of consumed advertising objects.